Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Lesson In Marketing...

When we started our window cleaning business, I was hesitant to spend, spend, spend.  I wanted to buy only what we NEEDED to get the business off the ground.  There is so much uncertainty, and I was worried about the risk.

My husband insisted that he needed a new truck complete with logos to get the business off the ground.  I told him he was crazy.  He should use the truck he had, and put logos on it later when we can afford them.  I told him not even to put logos on it after I saw the $$$$.  I said, "Wait a couple of years so we can build up some money, and we will get a new truck and then put logos on it."  I couldn't have been more wrong...

I guess you could say, I was persuaded, because there it is, the truck.  Before driving to see his 1st customer he had it ready to go, and we have never regretted spending the money we do on that truck since.  It is our best form of advertising!

The other day, Brett pulled-up to a job at the same time as one of our competitors, and we received the job even with a higher bid, because of Brett's image.  Sometimes it is upsetting when he is right about issues we disagree on, but today I am happy to have "learned this lesson" because business is BOOMING!

1 comment:

  1. This is too funny! Great excuse for a guy to get a new truck! I am so glad it turned out so well for you two! I am very excited to do our project on WOW Windows! Yay for Erin and Brett!
